Durbahn Plastics Hamburg : the underseat Fueltank-Setup - build a rocket
... you wanna pass a 250 cc inside a corner.........?
This is what you need : the Underseat
- Extreme weight saving
- Extreme lowered center of Gravity
- Extreme increase Airbox Volume
Ok, seriously : I thought to dedicate a own Page for this Assy ,because one hand it needs of course a lot of explanation and other hand it does not really fit into the Parts'n Prices Section (moreless because it's not a single Item to swap, and also this Assy is a revolution for every RC51 )
FAQ's :
Are there any Pictures of the Bits
How does it look mounted on the Bike
Which modifications are required
How much weight-saving do I get
Well, I'm talking about 5 Items which belong together as a unit :
1: Carbon Airbox ( which is not the same type as those
I offer for OEM-Fueltank)
2: Carbon Fueltank-dummy (which is close to 4" smaller than OEM, Airbox
-Volume + 300%)
3:Carbon Subframe
4: Carbon Tailsection (especially shaped for my Subframe,2 Versions
5: The Underseat-Fueltank ( attached to the Subframe)
...those 5 Items together are at 9.3 lbs (for more:read below) , the capacity of the Undersat-Fueltank is 13.5 liters , which is enough for road (if you don't go for touring), and probably too much for trackdays (I only fill in 4.5 liters for a 18-19 minute Session on track) .
Half a year before Honda released their RC211 I already had finished this underseat-Fueltank, so not a copy of what they've done,just one thing 2000 has been clear as the sun : I DO NOT RIDE THE FUEL ON TOP !
It's mentioned probably several Times
deeply inside this Web :
This Assy is the most reasonable rebuilt you ever can do to ta RC51 (if
you seriously want to do reasonable modifications trying to built the fastest
bike you can).You can rebuilt the RC as you like it,you can mount Titan-axles
for 1000's of $'s...... it does not count with fuel on top. That's the Evolution
you now can see on 2004 Sportsbikes ... , they all try to move the fuel down and
back, measurements accompanied with lots of Advantages :
Less crash-sensivity of the Fueltank
Much better handling through massive lowered center of gravity
+300% Airbox-Volume, so much better throttle-response ,much more top- and
midrange power/torque
Approx 4" less width of the Fueltank-dummy,more freedom to move on the
Bike,less crash-sensivity
The weight saving itself : 9.3 lbs for all those 5
Items together .I.E.OEM Fueltank only:14.34 lbs.
Are there any Pictures of the Bits
The Tailsection/Carbon-Subframe-assy
The Fueltank- Dummy, morePics here,also modelwork:Fueltank-Dummy
Fueltank mounted with subframe, Airbox and opened
mounted with subframe, Airbox
How does it look mounted on the Bike
It's unobtrusive,this massive rebuilt is hardly to recognize once everything is mounted.
Which modifications are required ?
1:The wire-harness modification . The Electronics have to move L/R Side next to the Engine (Link here: wire-harness mod) and the Battery needs to be relocated (link here: Parts'n Prices)
2: The Fueltank is shaped especially for Öhlins-shock, or shock with cable-gas-reservoir.A WP-Shock needs some rebuilt to make it work.On special request I can modify a small section of the Fueltank to make it work for every horizontally gas-reservoir
3:The rear-valve cover has to be machined, but that's not a big deal: Thats what you've to do to ride my fueltank assembly,grind down the valve-chamber of emission-cleaning System,it's important to get some Space for Air-circulation,easydone:
4: The Fuelpump-Snorkel needs a prolonging,not a big
deal too:
The Fuelpump
Version I :
1. Airbox Glass
2. Fueltankdummy Glass
3. Tailsection Glass incl. Hangers and Seatpad (optional Bracket
for #-Plate,Blinkers,Taillight)
4. Fueltank Carbon/Kevlar
5. Subframe Carbon
Version II:
1. Airbox Carbon
2. Fueltankdummy Carbon
3. Tailsection Carbon/Kevlar incl. Hangers and Seatpad (optional Bracket for #-Plate,Blinkers,Taillight)
4. Fueltank Carbon/Kevlar
5.Subframe Carbon
How much weight-saving do I get
It's a raw estimation,calculated including the accompanied mods you've to do anyway :
40 lbs , the raw # I'd give, but through the massive lowered centre of gravity it feels like - 80lbs
...only an
announcement, guess end of this month the cpl. upper Section (Fueltank
dummy incl. new especially for this new designed Fueltank-dummy a
new Airbox ,the real Fueltank + Tailsection and Subframe) is
finished. When I add the weights : 1:Fueltank dummy 900 gr (1.980 lbs) You can express it many ways now,maybe:whole assembly is 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) less than only the std. Fueltank .Or 800 gr (1760 lbs) less than only one std. Can. Or: -much better: THE WHOLE ITEMS MENTIONED ABOVE TOGETHER HAVE NEARLY SAME WEIGHT AS YOUR STD. BATTERY ! A Note: it's no Problem for me to copy the std. Fueltank in Carbon , Carbon/Kevlar or whatever ,but it's a Question of how much you're tired of Life .Who already had a crash will know .I've got many Inquiries here in Germany from all the crashed guys ,they've damaged the Fueltank first ( 50% is caused by the crap shape) .But even if you choose a maybe 8 cm smaller shape in width the risk will stay-and you'll burn. That's because there is a chance still sitting or be in contact with the Bike while the Fueltank hits the Ground-Carbon will tear up then. So-where I've located the Fueltank (in the area below my Carbon Subframe), the Fueltank is really protected by mainframes brackets where you normally fix your std. Subframe. So if shit must happen you must be far away from the Fueltank ,because before there's no chance the Fueltank can be damaged. . |