Nicht Jedermanns Sache,meine schon
garnicht,nur - von selbst..........u.s.w.
Also 3 Tage den Kopf ins Lötbad getaucht,vorher noch einmal geschaut,was man denn noch alles
an Relais und Krams überhaupt braucht,wo dann der Rest sitzen soll,sitzen kann - und dann ab mit
der Kettensäge durch den Original-Kabelbaum: think once cut twice-geht schneller.
Mageinersagenwaserwill: Immerhin1.6 kg nur im Kabelbaum gefunden,ganz abgesehen von den
Armaturen,Zündschloss,etc.-und,den ganzen Murks hinten raus,das hat was-mageinersagenwaserwill.
So,began with the 2nd RC51,from Zero all again,but now i made some Pics for you of the Wire-loom-mods growing,means,where you can start and how (not necessary should..). Bending,sawing ,filing, thats maybe not for everyone,but it's easyer done and faster,if you know,where to start.
To Enumerate each bit,which is to relocate:
you need a 2nd thread for upper bracket,same shape
4.Rear Coil (shorten the ignition Cable then)
Therefor use the std.front ignition Coil-bracket,tighten it only with one screw-no Problem.
Make a thread into Frame,i've cutted out the rear std.Bracket from Subframe to be faster.
6.....and 4 Relais you've to store,i made a bracket for all-also a overall- view:
So-i'll provide you with pics of every step from wireloom growing next weeks.
The old Site:
Took about 3 days to mod this Wire,had to
look,where the Ignition,Relais ..... can take place.The objective was :still
keeping the std.didital
Cockpit,but the rest must be a roaduse cutted wire
for lowest possible weight,by
- location of every Item as far as possible in the Centre of Bike
-whole electrical components at one side
-minimum lenght of each wire,so:
- everything had to come together in one area (max .distance -coil to coil 40 cm)
the weight effex: 1.7 kg less weight,not included secondary effects as battery cable lenght,missing switch ,ignition cable lenght,minimum of holders,etc.
Steering effex :.......